Setting Ressource Quotas with Tanzu Mission Control

Nobody wants a noisy neighbor. Neither in real life nor in IT environments. Though in real life it can be difficult to keep the neighbors at bay, in IT environment, we can simply restrict the amount of allowed resources by setting quotas on certain levels. Nothing new so far.
Kubernetes also has a concept of Resource Quotas. You can set these quotas on Namespace level to restrict things like memory, cpu or storage beeing used or set limits on the total amount of objects from a certain kind (e.g LoadBalancers). Pretty straight forward so far.
But setting this on Namespace level can be a quite tedious task, especially with many Namespaces on many different clusters. And this is where Tanzu Mission Control can help you. With TMC, you can set up groups of clusters and apply Quota Policies to the entire group and include/exclude certain Namespaces based on Labels, as you would expect with Kubernetes.

My Setup

I’ve already two Cluster prepared:

tkgi-c1 A TKGI K8s Cluster, provisioned from the TKGI MC and afterwards attached to TMC
tmc-c2 A Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster, provisioned from TMC straight into my Supervisor Cluster

Both sitting in a TMC Cluster Group called “cg-vraccoon”.

On both of them, I will create a Namespace called “ns-quota” which will get the Quota Policy assigned.

Create Namespaces

I know, creating a Namespace in K8s is super simple, but since I have TMC, I wanted to do it through the Web Console:
Navigate to Clusters → tkgi-c1 → Namespaces → Click CREATE NAMESPACE

In the following screen enter the Namspace specs:

  • Name: ns-quota
  • Cluster: tkgi-c1
  • Workspace: default
  • Labels
  • type: resource-restricted

The Label is really just a Label, used to identify the Namespaces later. It can be called however you want. But don’t forget to click ADD LABEL (otherwise, the Label will not be saved) then, click CREATE.

Repeat the process for the second cluster. Make sure, it has the same Label applied too.

Create the Quota Policy

Quota Policies are assigned to either Clusters or Cluster Groups (even though they actually apply to Namespaces).
Navigate to Policies → Assignments → Quotas → Clusters → cg-vraccoon (the Cluster group)

In the wizard, enter the following:

  • Policy name: pol-quota
  • CPU requests/CPU limits: leave empty
  • Memory requests: 64 Mi
  • Memory limits: 128 Mi

Next, we can either include or exclude specific Namespaces identified by selectors. If you leave both empty, the quotas will be assigned to all Namespaces (excluding the kube-* Namespaces). In our case, we only want to include the two Namespaces created earlier, which can be identified by the type:resource-restricted label.

Label selectors:
type : resource-restricted
Don’t forget to click ADD LABEL SELECTOR, afterwards click SAVE.

Test the Policy

Now as the policy seems to be applied, let’s jump over to the K8s cluster(s).

Check if the Policy is applied

I’m logged in to both K8s clusters:

vraccoon@ubu:~$ kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME           CLUSTER        AUTHINFO                                       NAMESPACE
          tkgi-c1        tkgi-c1        tkgi-admin@vraccoon.lab
          tmc-c2   wcp:
          tmc-clusters   wcp:   tmc-clusters

Display Resource Quotas on tmc-c2:

vraccoon@ubu:~$ kubectl config use-context tmc-c2
Switched to context "tmc-c2".
vraccoon@ubu:~$ kubectl get resourcequotas -A
NAMESPACE   NAME                AGE    REQUEST                   LIMIT
ns-quota    tmc.cgp.pol-quota   7m2s   requests.memory: 0/64Mi   limits.memory: 0/128Mi

Display Resource Quotas on tkgi-c1:

vraccoon@ubu:~$ kubectl config use-context tkgi-c1
Switched to context "tkgi-c1".
vraccoon@ubu:~$ kubectl get resourcequotas -A
NAMESPACE   NAME                AGE     REQUEST                   LIMIT
ns-quota    tmc.cgp.pol-quota   7m29s   requests.memory: 0/64Mi   limits.memory: 0/128Mi

We can see the quota policy on both clusters, as expected. From here on, I’ll stay on the tkgi-c1 cluster, since the K8s behavior is the same on both clusters.

Test the Quota

This is pretty much basic Kubernetes stuff, but it just didn’t feel right to only apply a quota without testing it.
So I prepared a small deployment file, with resource requests/limits for memory and saved it as dep-test-quota.yaml:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: dep-test-quota
  name: dep-test-quota
  namespace: ns-quota
  replicas: 1
      app: dep-test-quota
        app: dep-test-quota
      - image: tutum/hello-world
        name: hello-world
             memory: 64Mi
             memory: 32Mi

Create the deployment:

vraccoon@ubu:~$ kubectl create -f dep-test-quota.yaml
deployment.apps/dep-test-quota created

Check if the Pod is running:

vraccoon@ubu:~$ kubectl -n ns-quota get pods
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-wsz4f   1/1     Running   0          53s

Looking good – Check the Quota next:

vraccoon@ubu:~$ kubectl -n ns-quota describe resourcequotas tmc.cgp.pol-quota
Name:            tmc.cgp.pol-quota
Namespace:       ns-quota
Resource         Used  Hard
--------         ----  ----
limits.memory    64Mi  128Mi
requests.memory  32Mi  64Mi

Seems good so far. The Deployment is utilizing 50% of the allowed resources so far. So let’s scale the deployment to 3 Replicas. That would mean, the deployment is requesting 150% of the allowed resources, thus one pod/replica should fail:

vraccoon@ubu:~$ kubectl -n ns-quota scale deployment --replicas=3 dep-test-quota
deployment.apps/dep-test-quota scaled

vraccoon@ubu:~$ kubectl -n ns-quota get deployment,replicaset,pod
NAME                             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/dep-test-quota   2/3     2            2           2m42s

NAME                                      DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966   3         2         2       2m42s

NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-lpjvg   1/1     Running   0          22s
pod/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-wsz4f   1/1     Running   0          2m42s

As expected, line 6 shows that the Deployment has only 2/3 replica ready. Pretty obvious why, but let’s have a look at this anyway by checking the events:

vraccoon@ubu:~$ kubectl -n ns-quota get events
LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON              OBJECT                               MESSAGE
106s        Normal    Scheduled           pod/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-lpjvg    Successfully assigned ns-quota/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-lpjvg to cea46ae2-2305-4193-843a-bdb59c0f80af
105s        Normal    Pulling             pod/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-lpjvg    Pulling image "tutum/hello-world"
104s        Normal    Pulled              pod/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-lpjvg    Successfully pulled image "tutum/hello-world" in 1.422727654s
104s        Normal    Created             pod/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-lpjvg    Created container hello-world
104s        Normal    Started             pod/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-lpjvg    Started container hello-world
4m6s        Normal    Scheduled           pod/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-wsz4f    Successfully assigned ns-quota/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-wsz4f to cea46ae2-2305-4193-843a-bdb59c0f80af
4m6s        Normal    Pulling             pod/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-wsz4f    Pulling image "tutum/hello-world"
4m4s        Normal    Pulled              pod/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-wsz4f    Successfully pulled image "tutum/hello-world" in 1.480966178s
4m4s        Normal    Created             pod/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-wsz4f    Created container hello-world
4m4s        Normal    Started             pod/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-wsz4f    Started container hello-world
4m7s        Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966   Created pod: dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-wsz4f
107s        Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966   Created pod: dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-lpjvg
107s        Warning   FailedCreate        replicaset/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966   Error creating: pods "dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-vkpjv" is forbidden: exceeded quota: tmc.cgp.pol-quota, requested: limits.memory=64Mi,requests.memory=32Mi, used: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi, limited: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi
107s        Warning   FailedCreate        replicaset/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966   Error creating: pods "dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-5pwxk" is forbidden: exceeded quota: tmc.cgp.pol-quota, requested: limits.memory=64Mi,requests.memory=32Mi, used: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi, limited: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi
107s        Warning   FailedCreate        replicaset/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966   Error creating: pods "dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-lzrb7" is forbidden: exceeded quota: tmc.cgp.pol-quota, requested: limits.memory=64Mi,requests.memory=32Mi, used: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi, limited: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi
107s        Warning   FailedCreate        replicaset/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966   Error creating: pods "dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-9mf4d" is forbidden: exceeded quota: tmc.cgp.pol-quota, requested: limits.memory=64Mi,requests.memory=32Mi, used: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi, limited: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi
107s        Warning   FailedCreate        replicaset/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966   Error creating: pods "dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-ntt4r" is forbidden: exceeded quota: tmc.cgp.pol-quota, requested: limits.memory=64Mi,requests.memory=32Mi, used: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi, limited: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi
107s        Warning   FailedCreate        replicaset/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966   Error creating: pods "dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-hwmns" is forbidden: exceeded quota: tmc.cgp.pol-quota, requested: limits.memory=64Mi,requests.memory=32Mi, used: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi, limited: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi
107s        Warning   FailedCreate        replicaset/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966   Error creating: pods "dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-fpmrj" is forbidden: exceeded quota: tmc.cgp.pol-quota, requested: limits.memory=64Mi,requests.memory=32Mi, used: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi, limited: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi
106s        Warning   FailedCreate        replicaset/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966   Error creating: pods "dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-pnr5q" is forbidden: exceeded quota: tmc.cgp.pol-quota, requested: limits.memory=64Mi,requests.memory=32Mi, used: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi, limited: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi
106s        Warning   FailedCreate        replicaset/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966   Error creating: pods "dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-vktkm" is forbidden: exceeded quota: tmc.cgp.pol-quota, requested: limits.memory=64Mi,requests.memory=32Mi, used: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi, limited: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi
40s         Warning   FailedCreate        replicaset/dep-test-quota-8f8c4966   (combined from similar events): Error creating: pods "dep-test-quota-8f8c4966-kn8mg" is forbidden: exceeded quota: tmc.cgp.pol-quota, requested: limits.memory=64Mi,requests.memory=32Mi, used: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi, limited: limits.memory=128Mi,requests.memory=64Mi
4m7s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/dep-test-quota            Scaled up replica set dep-test-quota-8f8c4966 to 1
107s        Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/dep-test-quota            Scaled up replica set dep-test-quota-8f8c4966 to 3

Line 24 tells us pretty clear, that we are exceeding our quota (not that we are suprised though).


Resource Quotas are nothing super special. And Tanzu Mission Control is not doing any black magic to enforce them in the K8s clusters. But it definitly helps you to manage them on a bigger scale.

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